Everyone has a hidden inner capacity for more peace, happiness, clarity, love, wisdom, and understanding (well-being).
It just gets covered by not understanding the way your mind works, which is one way, from the inside out.
When you don’t understand how the mind works, people suffer trying to:
Control your thoughts
Pick and choose your thoughts
Banish negative thinking
Heal your past
Change a habit in 21 days
Find the initial sensitizing event to clear the “issues” in the "tissues"
Reframe your thinking
Master your mindset
Uncover limiting beliefs
Think positive
Like anything else in nature, you are not made to change your thinking, manage your emotions, or pick and choose your thoughts, it’s not possible.
All that just causes more unnecessary suffering causing you to live by myths not knowing how the mind works.
Join us every Sunday at 9:00 am for 75 minutes and we will share a new paradigm in a revolutionary approach to mental health called the inside-out understanding via Zoom.
Weekly free seminars held by Mental Health Revolution
To register, please contact Lynn at 860-550-4660 for the Zoom link
Sunday Jan 11, 2026
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM EST
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